
I'm the Ugliest Guy On the Lower East Side

For the first time in three years, TP and I are planning a weekend getaway consisting of just the two of us and no kids. We are looking for a cheap place to stay around the Lower East Side of NYC and would think that the dead of summer would be tourist repellent. "Cheap" for TP means $75 a night but for me is less than $125. No luck thus far. Any suggestions, recommendations, etc.?


KG said...

1975 called. It wants its NYC hotel room price expectations back.

baji said...

shut it, kg. someone recommended a best western for $80 but that was their price in the spring. apparently summer prices are sky high.

wayfarer said...

i have no idea but if you guys need a place to say we are 45 minutes from manhattan...

baji said...

that is so sweet of you! actually, mr. snarky pants KG up there just hooked me up with a pretty good deal for a hotel in midtown so we're all set. thanks so much for the offer though! and let us know when you are coming to DC!

upyernoz said...

i'm glad you're all set. i was about to mention that the best <$125 bet in that part of town probably involves couch surfing.

baji said...

i actually found a really nice apartment for rent in the LES for about $125 but they never wrote back to me. CRAIGSSSSLISTTTT!!!! *shakes fist*