
Gone, Daddy, Gone

I think it's time for me to close up shop. After five and a half years, it's been fun, I've actually met a few outstanding folks, and I got a chance to write (whether creatively or not). So, let me know what your favorite memories are, give me your 411 if you want to keep in touch, and bid me adieu.


Woody said...

Aw, man! And I just figured out how to get the RSS feed up and running!

baji said...

no worries, we'll still keep in touch via emails and fbs! and i'll see you in two weeks. :)

wayfarer said...

aw man....i'll miss ya. I've thought to pull the plug on my own as well. i hope we can keep in touch somehow.

wayfarer said...

aw man....i'll miss ya. I've thought to pull the plug on my own as well. i hope we can keep in touch somehow.

yasmine said...

and multiple exclamation points!!!!!!

and more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i shall be back again to further display my disapproval and excessive sadness about this decision. =/

baji said...

wy - we will! we have each other's email and address and if you ever come down here or if i ever make it back up there, we'll meet up. :)

yz - don't you get enough of me on every other online incarnation? :D

Gojira said...


Lil B said...

aw too bad. i guess between facebook/flickr/blog/emails/youtube it got to be a bit much huh? at least i have your direct line, hehehe!

baji said...

Dear Ms. Gojira,
Your "interro" exclamation was not preceded by the required interrobang symbol and thus your request and/or comment must be denied and/or rejected. As a penalty, please submit the Summer 2009 Mix at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

ps - if you want to do a joint blog, i'm totally game. we can call it bajira. or goji. or amelieandtasneemborg.

lb - presactly!

Anonymous said...

dude vat. thas no cool mayn. hey, i need some TM prosecution adwice.

baji said...

yah, i know. :)

email/fb me.

yasmine said...

gojira, let us JOIN FORCES against this madness!

Anonymous said...

awww this is so sad! i liked reading your blog. it's ok i guess our priorities change as we grow older. we will miss you

btw, baji, i wanted to talk to you about some matters relevant to applying for a job w/ the government, particularly the security clearance process. what's a good place to reach you? gchat, gmail, etc.?


baji said...

thx, sal! that's very sweet of you to say.

you can reach me at kookamungaboots at aol dot com and once i get an email from you there, i can respond from my REAL addy. :) if you don't hear from me for a while, just post something on this comment feed to remind me and i'll be sure to check that account.

Gojira said...

Yasmine, an interro-petition, perhaps?

Baji, you don't have to post, but you can't leave. It's like the Hotel California.

baji said...

one evening, some friends of ours were visiting and for some reason, we were sitting in my room having a conversation and telling stories in the dark and listening to the radio. that song came on during a lull and i actually paid attention to the lyrics. freaked me the hell out. always get kinda shivery when i hear it, even today.

i'll leave the posts up for the edification of generations to come, howzat?

Anonymous said...

dear miss baji,

if you make a grand return, i promise to read veblogs from here on out.

the end.

H@shim A™


the bye-bye song in the opening of the entry, it freaked me the hell out - and i got all shivery and stuffS.

Anonymous said...

thanks baji! i just sent an email :)


baji said...

hsh - you are full of ... stuffS. i don't beliewe your promise one whit. and if you were freaked out by the song, you should see the actual show (yo gabba gabba). i bet mr. flared nostrils watches it.

sal - are ye sure? i haven't gotten anything yet.

Anonymous said...

Oh snaps. The email hath bounced back :( I know not why. -sal

baji said...

try the link at the left that is labeled "yo ho ho" under "secret message."

Saeed said...

Aww...but what about your fan following, the ones that were only getting their baji-fix from this blog here..?!

Anonymous said...

Did you gets it baj? -sal

HijabMan said...

I don't believe you. but if this is for real. When you have the urge to write (which I know you do)

You can guest blog at hijabman.


HijabMan said...

also, that song is almost as annoying as the birthday card i got you that one time

baji said...

this *is* for real! 4 sho! if i have a need for an outlet for my brilliant writing, i'll go to FB. or, maybe i'll start a secret new blog. we'll see. ;) thx for the offer to guest blog on hjb but i don't think your readers will enjoy my topics/style of writing after being used to yours, but we'll see.

you LOVE that song and you'll be singing it in your car before too long.

Saeed said...

Yes, all 2 of me. But there might have been others(other people, not more of me, haha)?

yasmine said...

baji, if you ever start a topsecret new veblog, i demand to be let in on the secret!

the end.

baji said...

hmmm, maybe for true loyalists who actually visit/comment/care and have scrolled all the way down here, i'll let you know if i do start up a new topsecret veblog. ;)

Anonymous said...

I sent it again and it didn't bounce back - hmmm ok I shall do what you said :) buuut if you go to muslimantics dot com my emails on the front page

baji said...

third time was not a charm. but i just sent you an email and let's see if that goes through...

Bushra said...

why? it was awesome reading ur fun and witty observations :)
will miss stalking you!