
The beast sleeps! Only have time enough for bullet points. Ready, go:
  • Still in the process of unpacking and arranging the house, but managed to get some artwork on the walls, the books semi-organized, and found 100 euros in a French phrase book!
  • Managed to go to a birthday party with ZP and had a good time, good food, and hand-me-downs galore.
  • Speaking of "galore," am reading "The Princess Bride" to ZP and am enjoying it as much as he seems to be.
  • Haven't gotten my hair cut since the winter months but once Cybermom returns, plan to do so, along with some clothes shopping, some lunching, and some napping.
  • In response to my varied propositions for things to do, TP's latest favest phrase in response is "Insha'Zain."
  • Was so pleased this weekend when TP was home and I got to have coffee (decaf, but still), make pancakes, and shower in the morning.
  • ZP slept for an unbelieveable 5 hours last night and we are still reeling from shock. I pray there is a repeat performance tonight.
  • Too bloody hot outside these days to take our evening strolls but hope to do so again soon. ZP loves going out for rides in his diapomobile.

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