
Thanks for all the du'as and funny comments and HIGHlarious updates to the blog, y'all! As you might well imagine, my world has been rocked. The right honorable Sir Zain (a.k.a. "baby doll" [my dad], a.k.a. "the beast" [TP], a.k.a. "squeaky mcgee" [me]) is a joy and wonder to us all. Today, he turns a whole week old. During the course of his one week on this earth, he's been through quite a bit. Mr. Fashion Plate had to make his arrival a dramatic one where he came into this world with the cord wrapped not once, but TWICE, around his neck as though it was a stylish scarf. With only an hour left to spare to make his appearance on his due date, he made it safe and sound and was whisked away to be suctioned, swabbed, and swaddled. We spent two nights in the hospital, but thanks to Zain's perfect timing, since we didn't get our room until 1am, which technically was a new day, we were only charged for one day. Heh heh, suckers. TP was amazing throughout the delivery and I couldn't ask for a more loving and brave hubby. Once word was given that Zain was available for viewing and cooing, Cybermom and Dad and LB were there in an instant, doting on him, exclaiming over every little toe, and lost to him already.

Except for two rather rough nights where we were stupid and didn't understand what he was crying about [note to self, "wah! wah! wah!" means "change my diaper, you jerks!" and "ah ah AHHEEEEEE" means "feed me already, cruel things!"], Zain has been incredibly good. He was holding his head up by himself within the first few hours of life and soon will be brandishing a sword and buckling his swash all by himself. The master and commander of my life is demanding my attention now and so I must away.

"Squeak. Sniffle. Ahem. wah. wah. WAHHH!"

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