
fourth on fourth

It's our fourth anniversary!  Yep, it's been four years since the day TP and I got hitched in front of our family and friends.  I wonder how many people realize what an eclectic mix of guests we had there.  

We had Desi men married to American women, a Mauritanian man married to a Trinidadian/American woman, an American man with a Latino man.  We had city folk, country folk, mountain folk, desert folk.  We had Muslims and Hindus, Christians and Jews (hey, that rhymes!), Hard Core versions of each and then, on the other end of the spectrum, the Atheists and Agnostics.  We had old (as in the second half of the 80s and I'm not talking about leg warmers, NKOTB, and mall walls) and young ("He's blocking the faaaaan!!!" during the khutbah at the nikkah comes to mind).  We had doctors and lawyers as well as beauticians and metal workers (well, only one of each of those, but still).  We had people whom we've known since they were born and people who knew our parents since they were born.  

It was the last time I saw my Dadiji.  It was the last time I had henna on my feet.  It was the last time I fit into size small fill-in-the-blank.  It was the last time I was alone.  Happy Anniversary, TP!  I dedicate this song to you:

Knuckles the dog what a very good dog you are
You're the best dog of all the other dogs by far

Raised to run the greyhound tracks
Down on the puppy farm
Retired and is now devoted
To protecting people from harm

Too slow to compete they sent him away
To the glue factory
Saved by a handicapped boy
Now everybody knows that boy is me

I am a blind and halting boy
Condemned to life in this wheelchair
Other kids will not play with me
But Knuckles the dog, you were always there

Knuckles goes to the nursing home
To visit the elderly
Abandoned by their own children
Knuckles lets them from their misery

Knuckles the dog what a very good dog you are
You're the best dog of all the other dogs by far

Knuckles the dog won't mind
He respects all forms of life
Dying now in my arms
To save me bravely gave his life

Put down by a chances bullet
That was meant for me
Knuckles the dog who helps people
Now you are forever free

Knuckles the dog what a very good dog you were x 2

Knuckles the dog
Knuckles it goes with you
When you explore

Just pull his chain
He'll go for a walk
He's your dog
For sure

Knuckles the dog what a very very good dog
Very good dog
You were

Knuckles the dog what a very good good
Good good very good very good dog
You were

Knuckles the dog what a very very very very very good
Very good very good dog you were

Knuckles the dog what a very good dog dog
Very good dog
Boy good dog you were

Knuckles the dog what very good very good very good very good
Dog you were

Knuckles the dog what a very very very very very very good dog you were!


Anonymous said...

terrible song but i am sure that was your intention.

happy anniversary, fools!

baj said...

you just don't understand finding the beauty in the absurd or appreciating hideousness!

thx! we are going to get some godiva chocolate cheesecake to celebrate if you and kg want to come over and have some. also, um, can you please pick up a godiva chocolate cheesecake on your way over? thanks!

Ayesha said...

It was the last time I fit into size small fill-in-the-blank. ........

hahaha..i am filling so many words and giggling all by myself. nu-uh..NOT TELLING :D

Happy Fourth Anniversary to you and TP. May you always stay happy and healthy together with you clan. (aameen)

Hey..you shadi sounds so 'rung barangee'.I wanna see pics . I remember some food pics from shadi but not yours.

PS: I squinted my eyes too when i read this song..but obviously you are baji - Hope TP sees the love hidden in this song.

Anjum said...

congratulations!! =)

wayfarer said...

lol at the song.


baj said...

aysh - ameen to your du'as! i'll have to upload some shaadi pix to flickr one of these days. and yes, tp appreciated the song. it was very special to him. know why? nu uh! NOT TELLING! ;)

anj and way - thx!

Zee said...

Wonderfully terrible song. :D Thanks for making me laugh and congrats to you and TP. You both rock muchness.